Sunday, 23 March 2008

The wrong button

I have racked my brains ......Damn! Now would you believe, I have caught a wrong button, just the merest pressure, and lost all I have written. I was going to say that I have found it difficult to decide on a topic for today, especially as I shall be away from the laptop for four days. No doubt themes will occur during that time and, given the nature of my family, they will be many and varied.
This is by way of a coda to my first series of blogs and has been an excellent exercise in daily discipline and overcoming my inability to compose at the keyboard.
My next test is to transpose work I have already drafted in longhand.
More immediately, I must gear myself up for today's shift and coping with a member of staff noted for her ability to not only talk but also slow down the pace dangerously. This needs careful handling and planned strategy otherwise the work load falls on the backs of the rest of us instead of being shared.
So, Blog, until the next time.....

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