Sunday, 16 March 2008

This is the end of an interesting week for my foray into blogging.
I actually managed to acheive my goal of an entry each day and it has been a good exercise in self discipline and developing my ability to compose at the keyboard, something I've always found difficult,preferring the portability of pen and paper - it's quicker to strike through a wrong word than delete on the laptop.
I have had to think about themes - some have come easily, others had to be delved for.
Once again, the coming shift is dominating my thinking and time. I have a sick client whose care will determine the course of the rest of the work load. This week seems to have consisted of moving one load after another and I have to confess that I feel exhausted but this job needs to be done. The problem is human loads aren't as passive and co-operative as inanimate ones and before anyone shouts health and safety I am talking about the use of hoists and other aids, in most cases. There is still considerable effort involved and anyone who presumes the elderly are necessarily light weights knows nothing about it!

I'm going now to limber up and get myself ready for the fray, mentally as well as physically.

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