Tuesday, 7 October 2008


I have survived the onslaught of the two youngest grandchildren, one, two and three-quarters, with eyes full of attitude, and the other, one year old, with bi-lateral dimples. One trampolines along the shattered sofa, the other lolls against it leaning on one elbow contemplating the possibility of toddling across the gap to the futon.
Miss Attitude tosses her long, dark, crisp and sumptuous hair that almost, but not quite, overwhelms her elfin features.
Miss Dimples' shorter, light brown hair, like a cap, gently curves around her chubby features with her trade mark extra long tendril trailing beyond the nape of her neck.

There are brief hiatus when their attention is held by Tomliboos and Pontipines. Miss D. lays her head by her sister's feet, flips herself over so that she looks endearingly at her sister upside down. They murmur to each other gently then Dimples, revealing two rows of lethal biters, attempts to fasten her mouth around Attitudes big toe. Not quick enough though! The older one withdraws her tarsals, casually, and recommences bouncing and flinging cushions accompanied by high pitched squeals.

Daddy reappears from his shave and hands out dishes of thinly sliced apple and high tech juice receptacles.
Attitude nibbles delicately, precisely, leaving thin, red arcs of peel while her sister bites fiercely, sucking in large chunks.
Attitude purloins her sister's slices, pretending to feed her, swapping them while diverting us all , from one bowl to another. "All gone!" She presents an empty pink dish to Daddy with innocent eyes.

On the floor they slide past, over, around, each other, interacting as they pass with varying degrees of gentleness and in their own language.
How I wish I had more energy; that I didn't haltingly pull myself up each stair and heave this non- conforming torso onto the landing to the toilet. I want to play with them but despite a willing spirit the flesh is weak and uncooperative.
I hate this getting older and having to accept that many and various bits of me aren't as efficient as I would like.

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