Thursday, 24 April 2008


Here is another quick fix of a blog because I shall feel so guilty if I let another 24 hours go past without making an entry. This has been a hell of a shift for a variety of reasons. Very few people know, or care, about the effect of continuous repetition on the target. And before anyone says "You shouldn't do the job if you can't hack it" let me say we are looking after someone who should be more appropriately placed but that would involve health care professionals getting their fingers out and doing something about it. We were supposed to be a temporary holding operation which it has been very convenient to extend and extend. Trouble is the poor sufferer isn't improving and we seem to be crying the wind. She is too young to be in this placement but it has salved everyones' conscience and because she can't make up her mind, due to her condition, then no one else is prepared to. Result is nothing moves forward and she is back to square one, has come full circle, and we are tearing her hair out trying to deal with the situation appropriately. Pigs in the middle as usual.
Well, it's another early start again so if I am going to succeed in getting any sleep tonight I had better make a move. I shall be back to vent more steam tomorrow, all being well, so beware!

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