Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Vinland Stained

Thorfinn's men bend their strength.
From Iceland west the longships plough.
Seeking men, thrusting men,
leaving Greenland in their wake.
New land beckons, land of grapes.
wild corn, breathing space
Smoke drifts lazily over the hills but:
Swift canoes, deft paddles,
flitting shadows.
Others have seen,
others with needs.
Crimson shields hoisted aloft,
shields of war, red with blood.
Skraelings respond with
wailing flails.
Man clashes with man,
greed and selfishness emerge.
A finger of scarlet cloth
for soft Pine Marten fur.
One dupes another
and tempers flare.
Land vast enough for all,
tainted, besmirched by
lust and exploitation.
Great potential withers
and tempers explode.
By the shores of Newfoundland
looking ever west,
smoke drifts lazily to
a setting sun as hammers clang
and men dream of home.
L'Anse aux Meadows: Tribe threatens
tribe and dreams fade.

In A Garden

In a garden
   all appears
      tranquil, still
looking closer,
     doppelganger world.
   Just as hectic,
         harassed, frantic.
             Little creatures
      just as noisy,
    rustling leaves,
crackling twigs,
stones moved,
      scurrying feet.
       Clack of plates-
a beetle's back.
Headlong rush,
     fulfilling tasks,
        carry burdens,
maintain balance.
Our myopic eyes
fail to see.